RIP, Mark…You’ll be Sorely Missed

MakersMedIs there a sadder sight? To see through to a crystal-clear center and beyond, a mere shadow of its former self, no mellow gold to hide the glare….

From humble beginnings in Loretto, Kentucky to the shelves of a California Costco, smuggled lovingly into Oregon…such provenance…we lay our cherished friend to rest.

You were like a grandfather, embracing, warm, good for a lot of laughs, mellow in a glass after dinner. But you could be sassy, too, with a shot of sweet vermouth, a cherry breaking your icy surface. And loverlike, surprising, Benedictine heightening your natural sweetness, leaving behind a rosy glow and the desire for a smoke.

We celebrate your 1.75 liter, larger-than-life…life, as we mourn your demise. Kicked to the curb to join the crush of the hoi polloi, to be reborn…as what?

You lived a good life, you amassed good karma. I predict good things.

You shall be missed.


  1. KAB Said,

    September 2, 2009 @ 5:46 pm

    A fitting sentiment for one who brought so much companionship and gave so much of…if I may say so…himself to your lives. Know that our thoughts are with you in this, your hour of need.

  2. bb Said,

    September 2, 2009 @ 9:57 pm

    One can only hope that karma is fair, as ending up a forty of O.E. 800 would be a cruel fate indeed.

  3. dds Said,

    September 3, 2009 @ 2:42 pm

    Thanks for your kind wishes, guys, they get me a little choked up.

  4. Richard Said,

    September 4, 2009 @ 2:58 am

    I must say, there *is* a sadder sight – that of just such a bottle, having slipped through the fingers of an irresponsibly clumsy oaf (ahem), lying shattered on the sidewalk outside of the liquor store. *sniff*

  5. dds Said,

    September 8, 2009 @ 10:06 am

    Okay Richard, you totally win with your TRAGIC tale! I don’t suppose the nice people at your local liquor store took pity and gave you another? No…probably illegal in Oregon. My heart bleeds for you. Much like spilled bourbon draining into the gutter….

  6. Richard Said,

    September 11, 2009 @ 1:37 pm

    I’m sure it was a cosmic message that didn’t really *need* a bottle of bourbon in my life that day.

    (dammit – shoulda gone with rye)

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